

We license our platform and provide implementation services to interface it with your equipment. We offer on-premise or co-located installation of our cloud-managed platform.

Our platform implementations include a self-contained network booting infrastructure, OS image management solution, and service broker catalog that works with a full spectrum of devices ranging from Linux-based network-bootable devices to microcontroller firmwares.

Test Harness Fabrication

To host your IoT gear and other custom silicon or subassemblies, we leverage GPU cases, and design and build custom blades with the necessary power management (BMC) and remote access to pins and busses.

Our software consultants leverage Rust to deliver best-in-class performance for custom CLI's and any remote access to hosted pins and IoT busses that need to bridge to a laptop for interactive testing. For example:

Rackmount Chassis

Our Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, and Jetson Xavier NX managed service offerings demonstrate many of our capabilities. Contact us for a complementary consultation.